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Checkbox 多选框


label 作为 value 来使用已经被 废弃, 建议label 只用来表示展示的文字,这个被废弃的用法将会在 3.0.0 版本被移除,请考虑使用新 API 替换. 新 API value2.6.0 中已经可用,您可以使用 value API 来设置复选框的值。



单独使用可以表示两种状态之间的切换,写在标签中的内容为 checkbox 按钮后的介绍。

checkbox-group元素能把多个 checkbox 管理为一组,只需要在 Group 中使用 v-model 绑定 Array 类型的变量即可。 只有一个选项时的默认值类型为 Boolean,当选中时值为true。 s-checkbox 标签中的内容将成为复选框按钮之后的描述。

    <s-checkbox v-model="checked1" label="Option 1" size="large" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked2" label="Option 2" size="large" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked3" label="Option 1" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked4" label="Option 2" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked5" label="Option 1" size="small" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked6" label="Option 2" size="small" />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked7" label="Option 1" size="small" disabled />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked8" label="Option 2" size="small" disabled />

<script setup>
import SCheckbox from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checked1 = ref(true)
const checked2 = ref(false)
const checked3 = ref(false)
const checked4 = ref(false)
const checked5 = ref(false)
const checked6 = ref(false)
const checked7 = ref(false)
const checked8 = ref(false)

<style lang="scss" scoped>




设置 disabled 属性即可。

  <s-checkbox v-model="checked1" disabled>Disabled</s-checkbox>
  <s-checkbox v-model="checked2">Not disabled</s-checkbox>

<script setup>
import SCheckbox from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checked1 = ref(true)
const checked2 = ref(false)

<style lang="scss" scoped>




s-checkbox 元素中定义 v-model 绑定变量,单一的 checkbox 中,默认绑定变量的值会是 Boolean,选中为 true。 在 s-checkbox 组件中,value 是选择框的值。 如果该组件下没有被传入内容,那么 label 将会作为 checkbox 按钮后的介绍。 value 也与数组中的元素值相对应。 如果指定的值存在于数组中,就处于选择状态,反之亦然。

  <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkList">
    <s-checkbox label="Option A" value="Value A" />
    <s-checkbox label="Option B" value="Value B" />
    <s-checkbox label="Option C" value="Value C" />
    <s-checkbox label="disabled" value="Value disabled" disabled />
      label="selected and disabled"
      value="Value selected and disabled"

<script setup>
import SCheckbox, { SCheckboxGroup} from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checkList = ref(['Value selected and disabled', 'Value A'])

<style lang="scss" scoped>



indeterminate 属性用以表示 checkbox 的不确定状态,一般用于实现全选的效果

    Check all
    <s-checkbox v-for="city in cities" :key="city" :label="city" :value="city">
      {{ city }}

<script setup>
import SCheckbox, { SCheckboxGroup} from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checkAll = ref(false)
const isIndeterminate = ref(true)
const checkedCities = ref(['Shanghai', 'Beijing'])
const cities = ['Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Guangzhou', 'Shenzhen']

const handleCheckAllChange = (val) => {
  checkedCities.value = val ? cities : []
  isIndeterminate.value = false
const handleCheckedCitiesChange = (value) => {
  const checkedCount = value.length
  checkAll.value = checkedCount === cities.length
  isIndeterminate.value = checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < cities.length

<style lang="scss" scoped>



使用 minmax 属性能够限制可以被勾选的项目的数量。

  <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkedCities" :min="1" :max="2">
    <s-checkbox v-for="city in cities" :key="city" :label="city" :value="city">
      {{ city }}

<script setup>
import SCheckbox, { SCheckboxGroup} from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checkedCities = ref(['Shanghai', 'Beijing'])
const cities = ['Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Guangzhou', 'Shenzhen']

<style lang="scss" scoped>




只需要把 s-checkbox 元素替换为 s-checkbox-button 元素即可。 此外,sharp-ui 还提供了size属性。

    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup1" size="large">
      <s-checkbox-button v-for="city in cities" :key="city" :value="city">
        {{ city }}
  <div class="demo-button-style">
    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup2">
      <s-checkbox-button v-for="city in cities" :key="city" :value="city">
        {{ city }}
  <div class="demo-button-style">
    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup3" size="small">
        v-for="city in cities"
        :disabled="city === 'Beijing'"
        {{ city }}
  <div class="demo-button-style">
    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup4" size="small" disabled>
      <s-checkbox-button v-for="city in cities" :key="city" :value="city">
        {{ city }}

<script setup>
import {SCheckboxGroup,SCheckboxButton} from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checkboxGroup1 = ref(['Shanghai'])
const checkboxGroup2 = ref(['Shanghai'])
const checkboxGroup3 = ref(['Shanghai'])
const checkboxGroup4 = ref(['Shanghai'])
const cities = ['Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Guangzhou', 'Shenzhen']

<style scoped>
.demo-button-style {
  margin-top: 24px;



    <s-checkbox v-model="checked1" label="Option1" size="large" border />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked2" label="Option2" size="large" border />
  <div class="mt-4">
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked3" label="Option1" border />
    <s-checkbox v-model="checked4" label="Option2" border />
  <div class="mt-4">
    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup1" size="small">
      <s-checkbox label="Option1" value="Value1" border />
      <s-checkbox label="Option2" value="Value2" border />
  <div class="mt-4">
    <s-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxGroup1" size="small">
      <s-checkbox label="Option1" value="Value1" border disabled />
      <s-checkbox label="Option2" value="Value2" border disabled />

<script setup>
import SCheckbox, { SCheckboxGroup} from '@/components/Checkbox'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const checked1 = ref(true)
const checked2 = ref(false)
const checked3 = ref(false)
const checked4 = ref(true)
const checkboxGroup1 = ref(['Value1'])

<style lang="scss" scoped>


Checkbox API

Checkbox Attributes

model-value / v-modelbinding valuestring / number / boolean
value ^(2.6.0)value of the Checkbox when used inside a checkbox-groupstring / number / boolean / object
labellabel of the Checkbox when used inside a checkbox-group. If there's no value, label will act as valuestring / number / boolean / object
true-value ^(2.6.0)value of the Checkbox if it's checkedstring / number
false-value ^(2.6.0)value of the Checkbox if it's not checkedstring / number
true-label ^(deprecated)value of the Checkbox if it's checkedstring / number
false-label ^(deprecated)value of the Checkbox if it's not checkedstring / number
disabledwhether the Checkbox is disabledbooleanfalse
borderwhether to add a border around Checkboxbooleanfalse
sizesize of the Checkboxenum 'large' | 'default' | 'small'
namenative 'name' attributestring
checkedif the Checkbox is checkedbooleanfalse
indeterminateSet indeterminate state, only responsible for style controlbooleanfalse
validate-eventwhether to trigger form validationbooleantrue
tabindexinput tabindexstring / number
idinput idstring
controls ^(a11y) ^(deprecated)same as [aria-controls] (, takes effect when indeterminate is truestring
aria-controls ^(a11y) ^(2.7.2)same as [aria-controls] (, takes effect when indeterminate is truestring

Checkbox Events

changetriggers when the binding value changesFunction (value: string | number | boolean) => void

Checkbox Slots

defaultcustomize default content

CheckboxGroup API

CheckboxGroup Attributes

model-value / v-modelbinding valueobject string[] | number[] [
sizesize of checkboxenum 'large' | 'default' | 'small'
disabledwhether the nesting checkboxes are disabledbooleanfalse
minminimum number of checkbox checkednumber
maxmaximum number of checkbox checkednumber
label ^(a11y) ^(deprecated)native aria-label attributestring
aria-label ^(a11y) ^(2.7.2)native aria-label attributestring
text-colorfont color when button is activestring#ffffff
fillborder and background color when button is activestring#409eff
tagelement tag of the checkbox groupstringdiv
validate-eventwhether to trigger form validationbooleantrue

CheckboxGroup Events

changetriggers when the binding value changesFunction (value: string[] | number[] ) => void

CheckboxGroup Slots

defaultcustomize default contentCheckbox / Checkbox-button

CheckboxButton API

CheckboxButton Attributes

value ^(2.6.0)value of the checkbox when used inside a checkbox-groupstring / number / boolean / object
labellabel of the checkbox when used inside a checkbox-group. If there's no value, label will act as valuestring / number / boolean / object
true-value ^(2.6.0)value of the checkbox if it's checkedstring / number
false-value ^(2.6.0)value of the checkbox if it's not checkedstring / number
true-label ^(deprecated)value of the checkbox if it's checkedstring / number
false-label ^(deprecated)value of the checkbox if it's not checkedstring / number
disabledwhether the checkbox is disabledbooleanfalse
namenative 'name' attributestring
checkedif the checkbox is checkedbooleanfalse

CheckboxButton Slots

defaultcustomize default content

Released under the MIT License.